Super Show 300


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I + FAN-Shape
NEM: 7072g
Kaliber: 25-30mm + 2,5″ 65mm Shell
Schuss: 334
Gewicht: 51kg

crackling tail, red peony w/ blue tail, golden strobe,
red + green dahlia w/ blue tail, white strobe w/ sea blue pistil and silver tail,
green chry, w/ red tail, spider king, silver coco w/ silver tail,
brocade crown w/ red stars, red peony w/ blue tail, silver coco w/ blood red stars,
crackling coco, withe strobe w/ red stars, red + green dahlia w/ blue tail,
brocade crown w/ blue stars, red + green dahia w/ white strobe pistil, brocade crown,

2,5″ Shell:
red & green dahlia w/ white strobe pistil, red wave, green wave, blue wave,
crackling crown, brocade crown to red tips, brocade crown to blue tips,
brocade crown w/ red strobe pistil, brocade crown w/ green strobe pistil,
crackling crown (all shells with mines)



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